User's Manifesto
How to pass MRCOG part 1 & 2 exam 1st attempt using MasterMRCOG question bank
Dear MRCOG candidate , this question bank was constructed too huge so that it contains everything , every idea represented in a question and every topic represented in an explanation .
This vision of containing everything including recalls from past 12 years (2012-2024) has yielded this big number of questions , + 4,000 questions for each part represented in both STUDY and Mock modes.
This user manifesto describes the behavior by which you should be handling MasterMRCOG with, so that you would be on track and more than prepared for your MRCOG part 1 or 2 exam .
Please read the following instructions carefully if you plan to set MasterMRCOG as your primary source of training to pass your MRCOG exam 1st attempt .
Be Regular
Guided by the multi-thousand nature of our question bank , we expect you to be fairly regular and scheduled consuming it.
To roughly estimate your acceptable achievement per day you will have to divide the total number of SBAs by no. of days enrolled in your revision .
In simple math you will need 40 days to go through all of it if you keep up a rate of 100 SBAs/day , and that’s for a 1st time revision ( Of course you can customize your plan for more or less time according to your needs and exam date ) , and such a rate might be very challenging specially for part 2 questions.
Explanation more Vital than question itself
We expect you to go through our explanations with a fine toothed comb , Those explanations combined might represent the whole curriculum and their data can be used to generate an infinite number of questions , So please keep that in mind when you tend to bypass an explanation just because you got it right .
Revise mistakes twice
We recommend that you never finalize a studying session without going through whatever you got wrong one more time , highly efficient consolidative maneuver , because at the end of the day you are required to learn what you don’t know not what you do .
Make it a Routine
We also recommend that you make of our question bank a baseline / background activity filling the small gaps in your routine schedule , little time here and there will definitely increase your chances of being caught up on all as soon as possible .
Once … or Twice
Due to high loads of questions and how confusing and complicated some explanations might be , we recommend that you go through the whole thing at least twice before your exam for perfect results .
What can you remember about your very first SBAs after going through 4,000 more ?
Duplicate Data
Some SBAs can be categorized to more than one chapter , duplication isn’t due to filtration error but to emphasize such critical pieces of information that can represent different chapters in exam .
Explanation Enough ?
The explanations we provide you are more than enough for an MRCOG Part 1,2 Candidates , feel free to google and know more as long as you have the time , but if you don’t then maybe sticking to what’s sufficient should be you strategy .
False Sensation Of Security
Try to avoid false sensation of security when you stick to your schedule for few days , despite MRCOG part 1 exam being reputable for how easy , the curriculum and consequently the exam both contain much data that have to be there and online in your head before you attempt exam , so if you’re doing good just do better .
No need for other SBA sources
Dear User , we created MasterMrcog with the mere intention of getting it all in one directory more than which you are not likely to need .
If you have intentions to look elsewhere , We highly recommend that you do so after going through our question Bank at least twice .
Study Mode first, then MOCKs
MasterMRCOG STUDY MODE is designed to help you PREPARE , Whilst MOCK Mode aims at ASSESSMENT of your performance .
Trying to start with MOCKs will end up in a deficient unsatisfying experience since answers and explanations are turned off and timers are on, yet you will be provided with results immediately after you finish a paper of MOCK including whether you’re above average passing score or not and consequently whether you need to work harder or keep the good work .
Take Notes
It’s highly recommended that you keep taking your own notes whilst answering questions and reading explanations .
You will keep record of key data of the questions you got wrong .
When you revise these notes in the few days prior to your exam , you will be covering all of your week spots and that can be a time-saver in such critical time .
Looks like every piece of advice regarding MasterMRCOG is somehow related to the big number of questions .
Recalls included ,Don't look elsewhere
We had our team going through past 12 years exam recalls with a fine toothed comb to isolate questions , avoid repitition and reconstruct the missed up routine formula of exam recalls into a neat , organized and categorized formula , Up to July 2024 .
It Is A Big Deal
Looks like we can’t emphasize this enough , but 4,000 Questions per part are really a huge load that you will have to commit to for a long period of time to grab a hold upon , especially that some explanations are complicated and full of variables that can be used to generate new exam questions of same topic