What is the preferrable position should the woman be in for delivery during a vaginal breech birth?
Post-partum patient on labetalol, but still high BP and she is breast feeding. What's the management?
A woman with Breech presentation & intact fore-water opting for vaginal delivery for which epidural analgesia is used. O/E : cervix dilated 3 cm , breech at +1 station contractions are 2 every 10 min. what would be the most appropriate action ?
US picture shows adenexal mass with history of IUCD for 10 years?
Which of the following represents the most likely diagnosis of ultrasound picture below ?
A student in clinic discussing a breech case with consultant, which of the following is this ?
Most common cause of maternal collapse in UK?
Pregnant woman at 32 weeks of gestation, she presents to emergency department with fits. She had past history of preeclampsia. Patient on a loading dose of magnesium sulphate and fits recur. What should be your next step?
22 years old female with high testosterone and 17 hydroxy progesterone. Most likely diagnosis is?
A primigravid in the second stage of labour, the vacuum popped off twice with descent from 0 to+2 . Choose the most appropriate for situation ?
Primigravid at 30 weeks gestation, no past medical or surgical history, BMI is 24kg/m, blood pressure is 110/70, developed Ml. most common cause for Ml in pregnancy is which of the following ?
A 13-year-old girl with solid ovarian tumor on left ovary. right ovary normal. B-HCG and CA-125 was normal, AFP and LDH are both raised. Diagnosis is mostly which of the following?
How to follow B-HCG in expectant management of ectopic if it is falling?
Obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) is more likely with which of the following?
Which type of surgery is associated with higher incidence of ureteric Injuries?
To look for the different outcomes of pregnancy in relation to BMI , which of the following tests should be used ?
A 55 years old female has vaginal prolapse with uterine descent stage 2 to 3. failure of pessary. She refused abdominal hysterectomy. What's your management?
Donovan bodies are characteristic of which of the following?
Jehovah's Withess woman during caesarean section she developed postpartum hemorrhage and IOCS [intra-operative cell salvage] is used, she is Rh negative. Which dose of anti-D to be given?
Patient has urgency, frequency and urge incontinence. Overactive bladder was diagnosed and not responding to anticholinergic medicines, next step ?
Anti-K auto-antibodies were detected in a pregnant woman at 29 weeks of gestation. What's next?
Pregnant woman with diabetic retinopathy. At which gestational age will screening for retinal assessment be?
A 30 years old female, primigravida, BMI 39, Complains of headache , fundoscopy was done showing papillaedema, choose the most appropriate next step ?
Regarding the instrument in the picture , which of the following is represented by label D ?
A 48 years female had IVF dichorionic twins. what pregnancy outcome is she at risk of ?
A 30-year-old woman presented to Ambulatory Care with pain and swelling of her left leg, which had been present for 2 days. She is smoker and have history vaginal delivery ended by PPH 10 days ago. On examination her weight 91 kg and BMI 35 and there was obvious swelling of her left leg compared with the right. A Doppler ultrasound scan confirmed a proximal deep vein thrombosis. What is the correct treatment in this case?
Which indicator predicts disease among who actually has the disease ?
A CT abdomin done for cholecystitis that yielded an incidental finding of ovarian cyst which was not properly visualized, which of the following should be your next step ?
Patient with suspected Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF). How to be diagnosed?
Patient had IVF pregnancy had grade 4 placenta previa came in labour, baby transverse lie and placenta anterior low-lying. What's your management?
With LNG IUS common complication is irregular bleeding, less common complication is amenorrhea, rare complication is perforation. In explaining potential unwanted outcome, what does "Uncommon” mean?
We want to find the relationship between umbilical artery doppler & pre-eclampsia, after other factors like age, parity, BMI are taken into consideration, which of the following tests should be used ?
Which of the following is an indication for cervical length monitoring ?
What of the following used for screening of thalassemia in the UK?
G2P1 Placenta previa major , gestational age 29-weeks, history of bleeding, now slight, no uterine contraction. Management should include which of the following ?
When is the latest time in pregnancy when smoking should be stopped before for same pregnancy risk as non-smokers?
A woman admitted in ward with medically induced abortion. Patient complained of pain per abdomen. ST 3 refused to review case because of religious belief he can’t do abortion. In this time ST 1 was busy in maternity ward. Consultant on the way and expected to arrive in 30 minutes , which of the following is most appropriate ?
Subgaleal haematoma is a recognised complication of which of the following?
Patient in labour with uterine hyperstimulation. Next step should be which of the following?
A 34 years old patient , she is a known case of diabetes millitus and she came to your clinic because she's planning to get pregnant. What’s your advice regarding blood glucose control?
Donation of embryos for research purposes requires which of the following?
Patient had 3rd degree perineal tear, now pregnant and has fecal incontinence , Your management should include which of the following ?
Hospital collects data of all water birth deliveries of 3 years duration to identify effectiveness of analgesia, which assessment method should be used?
MRCOG grade A recommendation is which of the following?
Which of the following is a predictor for Perinatal mortality?
A woman with PCOS resistant to 6 cycles 150mg clomiphene citrate. Labs show higher LH and androgen level. Next treatment should be which of the following?
A lady came to outpatient clinic , she's diagnosed as bladder pain syndrome. She's anxious and said that symptoms cause poor quality of life. Your management should be which of the following ?
Pregnant woman 9 weeks gestation presenting with vomiting PUQE score 13, urine ketones +2 , vomiting not stopped by common management. What next?
35 years old PG, her BMI is 29, underwent LSCS for breech at term, no medical or surgical complications. What should be recommended for her VTE prophylaxis ?
Pregnant woman with ulcerative colitis and has bloody diarrhea, fever, pain, gets psychotic episodes with steroids. Your management?
Which contraception method has the least failure rate with typical and perfect use?
A 45 years old woman with endometriosis. her family is complete and she wishes to contemplate the operation. Management should include which of the following?
A 33-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a five-day history of low abdominal pain. A pregnancy test and ultrasonography led to the diagnosis of a tubal ectopic pregnancy and she received medical treatment (methotrexate). Serum B-HCG as follow 750, 685,590 in days 1, 4 ,7 . How to follow up?
Pregnant woman with SLE, she has rash, arthritis, glomerulonephritis. What is the best drug for situation?
When to start OCP in a postpartum breastfeeding woman?
Patient's LMP was 3 weeks ago and IUCD inserted in that period, she started holiday 2 weeks ago and during the whole holiday she was sexually active, but she can't feel the thread of IUCD, O/E : the thread not seen , last intercourse was 4 days ago, she's worried to get pregnant. US showed no IUCD intrauterine . What emergency contraception is most suitable for her?
Twin pregnancy at 36 weeks first cephalic, second was breech. what should be the mode of delivery?
How many pregnant women needed level 3 care in COVID pandemic between March 2020 to May 2020?
A pregnant woman with DM type 1 presents to ANC clinic at 12 weeks. How to manage?
Which of the following is used for assessment in clinically significant maternal anti D antibodies?
A 15 years old girl presenting with primary amenorrhea with ataxia and cataract in both eyes?
A lady 6 weeks miscarriage underwent expectant management. At 14 days no bleeding or pain per abdomen. What will you do?
A lady with a skin lesion on vulva and scalp not responding to topical steroids and she's diabetic, which of the following is most likely?
Patient had 3rd degree perineal tear, now pregnant and has no complain of any faecal incontinence or urgency but on endoanal scan found to have anorectal defect. Patient keen on vaginal delivery, what's your advice?
A patient with bladder pain syndrome which affects her quality of life and anxious. What is the first line treatment?
20 weeks pregnant with generalized tonic clinic seizure for first time. Investigation to do?
During laparoscopic hysterectomy , A diathermy injury to the small bowel occured but it was superficial. What to do?
Woman undergone IVF and conceived , risk of thrombosis is highest during which of the following?
17-year-old girl presented with urinary retention ,Midwife noted her urethra is narrow and a cut mark near clitoris. What will be your urgent management?
Patient pregnant 37 weeks had EOGBS in last pregnancy and had nausea and vomiting during penicillin administration. What’s the most appropriate for her ?
Vulval itching not Responding to topical steroids. what should be your next step ?
Patient complains of fecal incontinence after 3rd degree perineal tear came in labour. How will you manage?
To find the relationship between maternal BMI & fetal birth weight , which of the following tests should be used ?
30 years old SLE patient came for councelling. which drug has to be stopped before pregnancy ?
A 42 years pregnant , dichorionic diamniotic twins (DADC) at 36 weeks. What is the most common complication ?
A 36 years elective CS, she received 2 units blood transfusion, her weight 91 kg and she is smoker. What your advice for VTE prophylaxis?
National alerts are received by whom?
Position/Rotation of fetal head while application of outlet forceps should be which of the following ?